HUD seeks contractor for project management

Housing and Urban Development wants a company to support the department's new Information Technology Project Management Office.

IT PMO notice

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Officials at the Housing and Urban Development Department recently turned to industry for support of a new Information Technology Project Management Office to help the department more consistently manage its technology investments.

The project management office will be under HUD's office of the chief information officer and will provide guidance and assistance to keep projects on track to meet their cost, schedule and performance goals. IT project management, particularly keeping within goals set in business cases, is a large part of the Office of Management and Budget's E-Government Strategy.

HUD last week issued a solicitation for a contractor to handle:

* Management, documentation and technology standards.

* Developing, maintaining and evaluating the performance of a project management methodology.

* Mentoring for project managers and executives in areas such as technology and project team formulation.

* Project Management Information Systems and ensuring their connection to the department's financial, human resources, procurement and legal systems.

* Project management competency requirements at all levels.

Responses to the notice are due by Dec. 19.

NEXT STORY: HP, PlanetGov get IRS contract