Letter: Too much competition can be wasteful

A reader responds to a letter to the editor by saying that the government only needs a handful of contract vehicles to ensure healthy, productive competition.

Regarding the letter “Army is wasting time by duplicating contract vehicles”: In no way will duplicative contract vehicles be eliminated. Don't forget the magic word “competition.” It is felt that competition breeds innovative solutions. This is true up to a limiting point where you have diminishing returns. There is just so much juice in a potato.

Contractors need to make a decent profit to provide a decent service. They go through financial gyrations to make it look like they are keeping costs down, but in the end they need to make a profit. As a result, you get the nickel and diming that gives government contracting a bad name.

The reality is we don't need all these vehicles. We need only a few that are focused in different areas. Competition is needed but must be realistic. The fact must be faced that competition can be wasteful and nonproductive.

Tom Kesolits
TJK Technology

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