Letter: Any help for mid-size companies?

A reader writes, "Once a company looses its small-business status, it is very difficult to compete in the "large-business" world."

Regarding "New size standards due for small businesses": What mystifies me is that the [Small Business Association] only considers small business and not businesses that have recently graduated from being small.  These newly "not-small" business must compete head to head with businesses like Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics and the like for federal IT business.  We are a $58-million company.  How are we supposed to be competitive with these behemoths?  DOD just released the list of the Top 10 with dollars in the billions:
1. Lockheed Martin   $19.4
2. Boeing             18.3
3. Northrop Grumman   13.5
4. General Dynamics   10.6
5. Raytheon            9.1
6. Halliburton         5.8
7. BAE Systems         5.6
8. United Technologies 5.0
9. L-3                 4.7
10. CSC                2.8

We need to establish a mid-size company category.  The size standard would be $25M to $500M.  Once a company looses its small-business status, it is very difficult to compete in the "large-business" world.  A company could very easily go back to being a small business after only a year or two as large.  Why hasn't anyone come up with this idea before?


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