Recommended reading: Cybersecurity outrage, BlackBerry tips and more

Here is a roundup of interesting articles from around the Web this week.

Here are some articles of note from the last several days:

* The Federal Times details the Defense Department's plans to staff up on acquisition specialists. According to reporter Elise Castelli, the new 20,000 slots include 11,000 jobs currently filled by contractors.

* Network World columnist Mark Gibbs has serious problems with the idea of giving President Obama the equivalent of an "Internet Kill Switch," as proposed by the Senate cybersecurity bill. Serious problems: "The fact that anyone would put forward such a bill is just marginally this side of insane," he writes.

* The Industry Standard reports that the iPhone has been deemed office-ready by Forrester Research. The analyst firm previously had recommended restricting its use due to the lack of an encryption feature, lack of Microsoft Exchange support for e-mail and calendars and a slim offering of applications. Apple, we are sure, would say, "Good call!"

* Also on the gadget front, CIO magazine offers some BlackBerry "killer" keyboard tips and tricks. For example, Al Sacco explains how to return to your BlackBerry home page with one click, how to jump to the top or bottom of a Web page and how to page up and down. Knock yourself out.

NEXT STORY: NetApp to pay $128M settlement