Rising Star: Jamie Mullaney

Manager, Jefferson Consulting Group

Although Jamie Mullaney only recently moved into federal IT procurement from the international development community, she is already making her mark.

One of her clients is the U.S. Forest Service, which recently awarded nearly $1 billion in blanket purchase agreements for IT services that have been named mandatory BPAs for the entire Agriculture Department. After the BPAs were awarded, Mullaney interviewed agency leaders and frontline employees to identify and address pain points in the IT procurement process. Her research has led to the development of training materials, templates and communication products to help the BPAs be as successful as possible throughout the ordering period.

She is also supporting the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Center for Program Integrity in making better use of its in-house specialists during the procurement process and conducting a strategic assessment of CPI’s IT contracts and organization to improve the effectiveness of IT procurement. She helped train CMS personnel for new roles as technical evaluators and helped identify problems that were derailing the process. CMS is saving hundreds of staff-hours by getting the evaluation team back on track.