Senate IT specialist moves to Armed Services Committee

A key Senate staffer who oversaw and led federal information technology management and purchasing reforms has accepted a position on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

A key Senate staffer who oversaw and led federal information technology management and purchasing reforms has accepted a position on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Bill Greenwalt, considered one of the principal drafters of the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, which dramatically reformed federal IT, will leave the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, where he focused on how well agencies were complying with the Clinger-Cohen Act. Greenwalt will replace Jon Etherton, who worked on acquisition issues for the Armed Services Committee and now works at the Aerospace Industries Association as assistant vice president for legislative affairs.

Before working for the full committee for Government Affairs, Greenwalt served as chief investigator on the Governmental Affairs' Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management and the District of Columbia.