More on China hackings

If you have trouble getting the story, try .I heard the Time reporter Nathan Thornburgh on radio here in Washington, D.C. over the weekend being interviewed about this story. Apparently Shawn Carpenter, a network security specialist for Sandia National Laboratories, where much of the U.S. nuclear arsenal is designed, noticed unusal activity, tracked it down, and reported it to authorities. The result -- he's been fired. Lab officials won't offer an explanation.Thornburgh said that the story also demonstrates ongoing information sharing problems.It seems like we may not yet know the full story here, but the story is a fasinating read.

Time Magazine, in its issue that hits the streets on Monday, has a story about a computer network security analyst who discovered hackers.

The Invasion of the Chinese Cyberspies (And the Man Who Tried to Stop Them) [Time, 8.28.2005]
An exclusive look at how the hackers called TITAN RAIN are stealing U.S. secrets



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