Davis departure?

The potental departure of Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.) was first reported in the Washington Post on Friday -- and the sound that you heard was probably the sound of one or two people faiting. Davis is an influential member of the House leadership, and he is intimately knowledgeable about information technology issues. And unfortunately the back bench is not all that strong.

At the last minute Friday, we decided that even Davis' potential departure is more of a buzz then Katrina: week two. [An aside, I saw it for the first time on Friday -- the WSJ.com labeled it FEMA-gate.] The hurricane issue is an enormous story with broad ramifications, especially for the Homeland Security Department and FEMA and, by extention, government IT, but the Davis story also has broad ramifications.

We hear that Davis has a meeting with the House Speaker on Tuesday, so we may hear more by mid-week.

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