New technology policy think tank established

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation will educate lawmakers and advance technology policies related to innovation, productivity and the digital economy.

A new Washington, D.C.-based think tank has been formed to educate lawmakers and advance technology policies related to innovation, productivity and the digital economy.

Jennifer Dunn and Calvin Dooley, two former congressional lawmakers, will co-chair the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF). The think tank was created in partnership with the IT Industry Council.

Robert Atkinson will lead the new think tank. He was vice president of the Progressive Policy Institute for the past eight years.

ITIF, which is expected to publish reports, hold debates and advise decision-makers, will analyze existing policies and develop new proposals regarding innovation.

“Tech issues have long enjoyed bipartisan support, but their importance and impact on the U.S. economy have not always been well understood,” Dunn, who is now a senior policy adviser for a Washington, D.C., law firm, said in a prepared statement. “ITIF will work to educate decision-makers and advance policies that raise standards of living and boost American competitiveness.”

Dooley, who is president and chief executive officer of the Food Products Association, said the think tank will provide an independent voice and fill a gap in the technology policy debate. Government lawmakers at all levels have varied awareness regarding what technology policy is needed and what will work, according to ITIF officials.

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