I buried my Ford lead

In journalism, when you don't put the most important information at at the top of the story, the editor says that you buried your lead. Well, with my Gerald Ford Web roundup, I buried my lead. (Thank goodness the competition pointed it out.

Yes, Ford was the only president to serve as a park ranger.

And I was heartened by Tom Brokaw's comments at the Ford funeral about the relationship the 38th president had with the press.

As a journalist, I was especially grateful for his appreciation of our role, even when we challenged his policies and taxed his patience with our constant presence and persistence. We could be adversaries, but we were never his enemy, and that was a welcome change in status from his predecessor's time.

To be a member of the Gerald Ford White House press corps brought other benefits well, as we documented a nation and a world in transition, in turmoil.

NEXT STORY: Ah, it makes a son proud