Government Health IT: Table of Contents


Medical mishaps
Conventional wisdom holds that electronic medical records will reduce medical errors in the United States, but there’s surprisingly little evidence to back that up

Combat trauma theater
Virtual reality technologies are helping combat veterans overcome the mental wounds of war

Quality comparisons
Few agree on how to measure health care performance. But experts say any answer will depend on using electronic health records to compare apples to apples

The diabetes data war
Public health care programs are using IT tools, from population registries to remote monitoring systems, to get to the high ground in the fight against diabetes

Editor’s note

Does health IT matter?
Is information technology essential to the goals of health care service providers and policy-makers — improving the quality and reducing the cost of health care?


Advantage: Dems


In pay for performance, all eyes are on California


Health care’s hall pass

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Peel: Electronic prescribing is no panacea

NEXT STORY: Godspeed, Cynthia Upson