Your federal career: Get ready for the worst

The Office of Personnel Management may have learned a few things in the wake of Hurricane Katrina—and last winter's D.C.-area double-whammy blizzards.

The Office of Personnel Management may have learned a few things in the wake of Hurricane Katrina—and last winter’s D.C.-area double-whammy blizzards.

With a very active hurricane season forecast, OPM last week forwarded to human capital officers a memo containing a range of emergency-related reminders concerning employee pay and benefits policies, telework arrangements, and various emergency hiring flexibilities.

The memo, posted to the OPM Web site, contains links to a number of standing guides and handbooks that feds themselves would find particularly useful in the event of an emergency—particularly the ones on telework, pay and benefits, and employee and family support benefits.

Might pay to have a look in advance.

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