What incentives would you like your agency to offer?

The Office of Personnel Management says that the number of feds participating in the federal student loan repayment program has jumped in recent years—23 percent in 2009 alone.

The Office of Personnel Management says that the number of feds participating in the federal student loan repayment program has jumped in recent years—23 percent in 2009 alone.

The benefit is tapped most often by feds like attorneys, contract specialists and intelligence workers, especially those working at DoD and the Departments of Justice and State.

A program that offers thousands of dollars to repay federally insured student loans is a pretty attractive recruitment and retention incentive—and one that is particularly popular with younger people just entering the federal workforce.

But agencies have to recruit and/or retain a lot of other folks as well. In spite of all the stories about supposedly overpaid feds, plenty of people in fact do leave government employment for jobs in the private sector.

So we’re wondering —as a fed, what could your agency offer you to “incentivize” your continued enthusiasm for your job? What sort of financial or career enticements float your boat?

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