The Federal 100: Every year tells a story

Each year, cartoonist John Klossner captures the zeitgeist of the Federal 100 awards program in one cartoon. Here are some of his past snapshots.

The Federal 100 awards program, viewed in retrospect, is like a family album (to revive a term from pre-Flickr days). It offers a hundred images of the people and events that made each year memorable. In our case, cartoonist John Klossner is a de facto archivist, attempting to capture the zeitgeist of the program each year in one cartoon. Here are some of his past snapshots.

Klossner cartoon trade federal 100 award

Oct. 30, 2006

The current debate about whether feds are overpaid would have baffled readers in 2006 as many federal agencies found themselves consistently outbid for IT talent.

Klossner cartoon avatar data federal 100

March 23, 2009

Second Life and other virtual worlds were looming in the public imagination in 2009. Now the technology seems so…dated.

Klossner postcards

March 21, 2005

Five years before “The Social Network” brought the story of Facebook to the big screen, Klossner imagined how a major studio might capture the drama behind Army Knowledge Online.

NEXT STORY: Big Vendors Dominate