Quick Hits

*** Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas) said on Meet the Press on Sunday that the Census Bureau needs to focus on delivering an accurate and secure count without delays to pursue a question on citizenship that was rejected by the Supreme Court. "Does the Census Bureau have the right technical capabilities to protect the information that is being collected?" Hurd asked. "I used to serve on the committee that oversaw this in the last Congress and there were problems with their cybersecurity defense," he said. "The Supreme Court has ruled. Let's move forward. We shouldn't stall the census and we need to make sure the information we're collecting is protected."

*** Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, wants an investigation from the DHS Inspector General into a private Facebook group that includes potentially thousands of Border Patrol agents and other current and former Customs and Border Protection employees. The Facebook group, potentially known to CBP leadership, included racist and threatening pictures and comments aimed at undocumented border crossers. Thompson wants to know if the existence of the group was known to CBP leadership and what action if any they ordered against current employees who were members.