FCW Insider: Sept. 20

The latest news and analysis from FCW's reporters and editors.

Get an inside look at efforts by Department of Veterans Affairs to transition government from a legacy "project" approach to a more user-centered "product" method. Kelly O'Connor, a former digital service expert at VA, offers a firsthand account of how VA is disrupting tech delivery.

The House of Representatives passed a stopgap funding bill to avoid a government shutdown on Oct. 1, when fiscal year 2020 kicks off. The measure, which funds the government through Nov. 21, is expected to be considered in the Senate next week. Adam Mazmanian has more.

With the threat of Russian interference in the 2020 elections looming, Senate appropriators voted up a $250 million addition to the fund for states to shore up election infrastructure and improve voting system cybersecurity. Derek B. Johnson reports.

The Air Force has been undergoing a comprehensive cyber audit modeled on the Navy's review and is preparing to show its findings to the Pentagon. Lauren C. Williams has the story.

Also on the USAF beat, the service announced that the Air Combat Command laid out details of its plan to consolidate the 24th Air Force responsible for cyber and the 25th Air Force covering intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance into a single force. Get more from Lauren.

Quick Hits

*** The Senate Appropriations Committee advanced the Financial Services and General Government funding bill without any addition to the Technology Modernization Fund -- the revolving pot of no-year money authorized by the Modernizing Government Technology Act. Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), a sponsor of the MGT Act and an appropriator, said at a Sept. 19 markup session that committee chairman Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) indicated willingness to work on the issue as the Senate and House funding packages are conferenced. The House of Representatives voted to add $35 million to the fund.

"I look forward to having some success a little down the road," Moran said.

*** Senate appropriators also backed an Agriculture bill that supports Trump administration efforts to relocate the National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the Economic Research Service from USDA headquarters to Kansas City. The bill tabs $25 million for the effort. The House of Representatives passed a funding bill in June that blocked the relocations.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said in committee that "these agencies do vital work and are strengthened by proximity to other key agencies," adding he hoped that funding for the relocation could be blocked in a final spending bill.

*** Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), the chairman of the Government Operations Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, introduced a bill designed to increase congressional oversight of the agency inspectors general. The Integrity Committee Transparency Act of 2019 tasks the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency's Integrity Committee to report on allegations against agency IGs and brief Congress about decisions to refer or not refer allegations for further action. The Integrity Committee is charged under law with reviewing allegations against agency IGs.

"Unfortunately, the Integrity Committee has, at times, operated without transparency, which is in contrast with the values of an OIG community whose greatest strength is sunlight," Connolly said. "Our good government, bipartisan legislation would help re-instill confidence in this process and bring accountability to OIGs who might fall short of their obligations and responsibilities."