Federal 100: Mark Santaw

Learn more about this 2021 Federal 100 Award winner.


Name: Mark Santaw
Title: CIO, Criminal Investigation Command
Organization: Department of the Army

The data wrangler. At the FBI’s request, Santaw came up with a way to use the bureau’s electronic criminal arrest disposition process to import data into the Next Generation Identification system for nationwide criminal background checks. Rather than reuse an Army-specific solution, he created a universally acceptable and cybersecurity-compliant tool named DSPE-Ingest. It is pre-coded with the necessary logic to convert, normalize and transpose data according to the FBI’s rigid format. Law enforcement organizations can now convert 10,000 offender entries in seconds, instead of the 15 minutes per entry of the previous process. His approach has already saved FBI partners over 500,000 man-hours in manual records processing.

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