Letter: Added IP addresses with IPv6 useful for security

The services available with IPv6 do not exist in IPv4, which requires additional layers of application to be written, with often unanticipated consequences and few, if any, standards.

Regarding " The IPv6 elevator speech," I did some research about IPv6 back in 2001 for an MBA class research project.  One of the things I discovered that astounded me was the number of available IP "addresses" available with this technology. IPv4 has approximately 4 billion available addresses but IPV6's address space is approximately the size of the number of protons in the universe!  Theoretically you could assign a unique IP address to every Internet enabled device manufactured for the next 300 years or so, assuming the number of devices doubles each year. The unique IP addresses could be used for authentication and security. Furthermore the services available with IPv6 do not exist in IPv4, which requires additional layers of application to be written, with often unanticipated consequences and few, if any, standards.

Rick Shelton

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