Unisys begins wireless services for TSA

The company has started the Transportation Security Administration's Managed Services for Wireless Personal Communications program.

Transportation Security Administration

Unisys Corp. started implementing the Managed Services for Wireless Personal Communications program for the Transportation Security Administration today.

As prime contractor for TSA's Information Technology Managed Services (ITMS) contract, Unisys is responsible for the wireless communications program. The Managed Services for Wireless Personal Communication program will run through August 2005.

The program is intended to standardize cellular phones, calling plans and cellular customer service for 6,000 to 8,000 TSA employees at 429 U.S. airports and headquarter facilities. The program will also centralize management of other wireless personal communication devices used by TSA employees.

"This program represents a new model for wireless enterprise management," said Mike Hatcher, Unisys partner for the ITMS program. "As a single point of contact for management of the cellular phone service, Unisys will help the TSA to gain operational efficiencies, save money and optimize internal resources."

The wireless program will allow TSA employees to pool, or donate, minutes to other employees to ensure that no single employee incurs more than 500 minutes worth of charges per month. Through the program, TSA will receive a single rate structure, regardless of geographic location.

Unisys was awarded the billion-dollar, performance-based ITMS contract in August 2002 to develop the agency's information technology infrastructure.