Corda gets text technology patent

It can be used in text-to-speech applications for people with visual impairments.

Corda Technologies has been issued a patent for a method of generating textual descriptions of online charts and graphs, a key component of Corda's products, for people with visual impairments.

The company specializes in creating charts, maps and other visual information on the Web. Its products also feature the ability translate those graphics into text, which can then be read by a text-to-speech application. That capability can be part of an agency's compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, which requires agencies to make information technology accessible to people with disabilities.

"This patent is of particular value to Corda, especially as it relates to the government and socially responsible companies in the public sector," said Neal Williams, Corda's chief executive officer, in a press release. "This feature is important for the visually impaired. It enables them to have the same access to information in charts and graphs as a person with full sight would have by simply glancing at a chart."

The descriptive text feature is an inherent component of Corda's developer tools, PopChart, OptiMap and Highwire. The text describes the data, allowing users with visual impairments to navigate through the information with the same ease as users who can see have in clicking on charts and maps, according to the company.

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