Letter: E-filing won’t take off until it’s free

A reader argues that taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay companies to file their tax returns.

Regarding “Oversight board: IRS can reach e-filing goal of 80 percent by 2012”: I don't have an issue with the Free File program, even though I make more than the amount that would allow me to use it. I also don't have an issue spending money for a product such as H&R Block TaxCut or Intuit TurboTax that companies have made the effort to put together and test.

However, after paying my money for the software, I take exception to then being charged $30 by H&R Block to e-file my taxes ($15 for federal and $15 for state). If the government seriously wants to convert more of the computer-created paper submissions, they need to mandate that all companies provide e-filing for free.

I'm tempted to spend 41 cents to mail in my return to save myself $30 for e-filing but more importantly to cause the government a little bit of pain to have to manually process my tax forms.


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