Letter: Despite different generations, technology is common focus

A reader says all generations at the workplace are becoming "more dependent upon computer assisted decisions."

Regarding "": Organizations in both private and public sectors are offering incentives to experienced personnel to extend employment.  They are also using Exert System technology to capture their critical tacit knowledge.Of the three generations (X,Y & Z) identified since the baby boomers, each has different work habits and cultural outlooks. The one common thread, however is that each becomes more dependent upon computer-assisted decisions. The current, entry-level personnel have grown up in an entirely digital world and do not understand the command-and-control operations.  They are very independent and are interviewing potential employers, not the traditional approach.  If they do not like the Industrial Age-oriented organization or information technology tools they are going to look elsewhere.  They have tremendous technical skills but entirely different opinions as to how they should be utilized. Technology issues are quite relevant but seem to be ignored by those concerned over the workforce crises in process. What do you think? Paste a comment in the box below (registration required), or send your comment to (subject line: Blog comment) and we'll post it.