Letter: Internet gateways need more security

A reader suggests a collaborative effort to enhance Internet security among government, contractors and subcontractors.

Regarding "OMB: Agencies must shed more gateways": I think it is a good move for the government to get [Trusted Internet Connections]  locked down, but I do see significant problems with open gateways to federal and Defense contractors and their subcontractors.

E-mail is no way secure and easy to store and forward to our enemies, foreign and domestic. Encrypted e-mail is still elusive due to varying standards and problems with ease of use. I would suggest the federal government roll out a collaborative program to secure the Internet pathways to the major defense contractors first and then move into securing domestic partners.

Similar to secure Web sites it should be easy for the user to determine if the e-mail is protected or out in the open. Of course any e-mail can be forwarded to an ISP account, so the bleeding can be stopped. The major issue is our enemies lurking outside the TIC gathering intelligence against us.


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