Federal mobility, Web reform strategies to be consolidated

Government IT officials plan on merging federal mobility ad Web reforms into one guidance.

Government IT officials are merging the federal mobility plan and the Web reform framework into one guidance, Politico’s Morning Tech reported.

A spokesperson from the Office of Management and Budget told MT work is underway to create a strategy that will address Web reform and mobility across the federal government.

President Barack Obama signed the "Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service" in April 2011. The directive aims to reorganize agencies’ online services to curb wasteful spending and requires agencies to enhance how they deliver services and information on ".gov" websites.

A draft of the federal mobility strategy was released Jan. 16 and it lays out the federal government’s plans to become a flexible entity. The framework also aims to increase citizens’ engagement in the government.

The combined guidance will be made available for public comment after completion.