New IT policy lead at OMB

Sean Casey will be taking over as chief of policy, budget, and communication under the federal CIO from Jamie Berryhill, who is moving to a new post.

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Jamie Berryhill has stepped down from a senior role advising federal CIO Tony Scott at the Office of Management and Budget. The post of chief of policy, budget, and communication now goes to Sean Casey.

Casey has been acting as the project lead on the administration's $3.1 billion IT Modernization Fund proposal. Scott has been pushing Congress to back a revolving fund to modernize legacy IT systems; the goal is to kick-start projects with money agencies will pay back into a fund administered by the General Services Administration.

Berryhill is taking up a post with the U.S. mission to the UN's Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, as part of OECD's Public Sector Innovation team. That job is based in Paris.