Federal 100 winner: Carlos M. Segarra Sr.

Segarra, deputy director and program executive for the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Diskless Operations program, created a robust, scalable and secure thin client that eliminated the security risk posed by removable media in a classified environment.

Carlos M. Segarra Sr.
Deputy director and program executive for the Diskless Operations program
National Nuclear Security Administration

Segarra, deputy director and executive [TK; word missing?] for the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Diskless Operations program, created a robust, scalable and secure thin client that eliminated the security risk posed by removable media in a classified environment.

The Energy Department mandated the elimination of disks and other removable media from NNSA computers by 2008 in response to a number of security breaches. Segarra created a thin client that proved to be impenetrable in testing, with all data stored remotely.

“Segarra created a solution that could be deployed across more than 10 NNSA laboratories and field offices,” said Lindsey Smith, communications consultant atvendor NetApp. “In doing so, he saved our country millions of dollars.”

NEXT STORY: Obama picks Guthrie for ODNI CIO