
Could telework resurrect the House Page Program?

A resurrection of the now defunct House Page Program is proposed via telework.


Obama, telework and Martha's Vineyard

Does President Barack Obama telework like the rest of us?


Union response: Cuts will cost federal jobs

The president of the largest federal employee union says OMB's cuts mean more job destruction.


Super committee lacks federal worker issue experience

Congressional super committee, tasked with identifying areas ripe for budget cuts, has little track record on issues that affect the federal workforce.


Like home-work boundaries? Loosecubes to the rescue.

New workspace marketplace fits a need for those who can telework, but choose not to work from home.


Report: Number of teleworkers declined in 2010

Report on teleworking found the dip in 2010 was largely due to psychological factors and not technological barriers.


Weiner resigns from Congress

After facing political pressure, Rep. Anthony Weiner resigned from Congress today.


Feds prefer working at home over using telework centers, survey says

Most fed employees polled don't want to commute to telework centers, survey reports.


After Weinergate, lawmakers tiptoe through the tweeting tulips

According to TweetCongress, the Twitter activity of members of Congress has dipped by 30 percent since the Weinergate scandal.


Feds conflicted over cell phone tracking

The Justice Department is looking at smart phone tracking as a tool to solve crimes. Some lawmakers say tracking presents problems with consumer privacy.

Digital Government

Osama bin Laden's technologies uncovered

The military searches for answers into a terrorist's thinking by devouring the technology found at the bin Laden compound.

Digital Government

Franken sets hearing on iPhone tracking

In the thick of privacy questions resulting from the discovery that Apple monitors consumers' GPS locations in an unprotected way, Sen. Al Franken announces a hearing on the subject.


Green benefits of telework aren't just for Earth Day

Telecommuting is said to have many benefits for the environment.


Keeping tabs on you and your teleworker, too

A third party releases an iPhone app to log users' keystrokes, and two scientists discover the same device is keeping tabs on your locations in an unprotected way.

Digital Government

Petraeus could become CIA head

Rumors suggest that Gen. David Patraeus, America's top military man in Afghanistan, could become CIA director.

Digital Government

Shutdown clock ticks toward April 8 deadline

Still far from a compromise on the federal budget, the White House and Democratic lawmakers are assembling a proposal for an additional $20 billion in spending cuts in addition to the $10 billion that Congress has already enacted. But Republicans are seeking to cut $60 billion.


Best government IT programs honored

The American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council honored the most innovative federal IT programs at its annual luncheon.


DOD shutters access to video-streaming websites

Access to streaming video on websites, including YouTube, Amazon and Google video, has been blocked by DOD's Cyber Command.


Japan's earthquake shows strength of social networking in crisis

Social networks across the globe bonded to help with rescue efforts and information dissemination in Japan after an 8.9-magnitude earthquake.


Teri Takai leaves CIO job open

With the departure of former California CIO Teri Takai to be DOD's CIO, the floodgates have opened for new candidates who have a handle on IT strategy.