Author Archive

Andy Krzmarzick

Community Manager

Andy Krzmarzick is the community manager for GovLoop, a social network for people in and around government.

Describe your job in 7 words or less

Having a quick way to sum up your work is good for social situations and job pitches, writes GovLoop's Andy Krzmarzick.


10 superpowers for a new breed of social media leaders

GovLoop members suggest skills that are essential to the government’s emerging leaders in social media.


How online games could make government more accessible

Some communications experts say that Web-based games could help more people get a better grasp on the workings of government.


Budget battles put government unions on the spot

GovLoop members ponder the attacks on government employee unions in cash-strapped states.


The latest social media heartthrob

GovLoop members and social media gurus around the world are falling for Quora, writes Andrew Krzmarzick.


Get this: Two new laws with a fan base

The Plain Writing and Telework Enhancement acts receive the online equivalent of a standing ovation, reports GovLoop’s Andy Krzmarzick.


The midterm election's effect on open gov

GovLoop members discuss what the latest campaign cycle might mean for transparency efforts.


Breaking the big taboo: How much do you make?

GovLoop members discuss the discomfort that comes with making the federal pay system transparent, writes Andrew Krzmarzick.


Failure? Bring it on!

GovLoop members have been discussing the merits of failure for improving personal and government performance, writes Andrew Krzmarzick.


Keeping tabs on the oil spill

Two GovLoop members provide a steady flow of information about efforts to contain the oil spill, writes Andrew Krzmarzick.


The high-impact approach to knowledge sharing

GovLoop's Andrew Krzmarzick reports on a recent online debate about the best approach to fostering knowledge-sharing networks.