Author Archive

Beth Archibald Tang

Digital Government

Online communities have the answer

FCW's Dot-Gov Thursday column looks at electronic collaboration as a way to enhance responsiveness

Digital Government

Looking for a search strategy?

FCW's Dot-Gov Thursday feature shows how some common Web resources can save you time and help you do your job better

Digital Government

Accessibility evolves into usability

FCW's Dot-Gov Thursday column shows how Webmasters have reached a higher level of site consciousness

Digital Government

Section 508 tips from the trenches

FCW's Dot-Gov Thursday column covers questions on the Section 508 compliance date, what tools to use and how to make your site compliant

Digital Government

Time for virtual spring cleaning

FCW's Dot-Gov Thursday column suggests ways to stop stockpiling information and start sharing the wealth

Digital Government

Knowledge management is power

FCW's Dot-Gov Thursday column presents methods and resources for circulating information in an organization


Usability, accessibility closely related

FCW's Dot-Gov Thursday column offers tips on making government Web sites easy to navigate for all


Webmasters: Link affinity and customers

FCW's DotGov Thursday column urges agency Webmasters to band together to serve users, spread information


Portal for the people

FCW's DotGov Thursday column describes ways that FirstGov has opened up the world of government information and heightened concern for customer service

Digital Government

Networking with newbies, experts and gurus

FCW's DotGov Thursday column reminds federal Webmasters that networking is more than just cables and wires and provides ways to stay connected

Digital Government

Digging for Web data

FCW's DotGov Thursday column looks at why agencies need to mine their Web sites for data and the tools available for doing so


The Web, accessibility and 'undue burden'

FCW's DotGov Thursday column looks at how agencies should handle the demands of Section 508 and documenting whether compliance imposes an undue burden