Digital Government

Tale of the tape

New tape formats duke it out for title of storage champ

Digital Government

GIS earns spot on the government map

State and county agencies are increasingly turning to geographic information systems (GIS) to help people interact with government and get the most out of public services.

Digital Government

Mapping a way to work

For welfare recipients and those with disabilities, the biggest hurdles to landing a job have little to do with resumes and references.

Digital Government

Schools supplied

Over the past decade, the national debate about school choice, educational standards and computers in the classroom has done much to highlight the fact that public schools can no longer get by on tax dollars alone.


Agencies tap Fed Learn's online training

The demand for technology-based education is so rampant that the Federal Technology Service launched a contractual services program to help agencies sort through the multitude of offerings.


Weighing Web solutions

Cost savings. Some organizations can cut the number of agents needed to service their current query volume; others can avoid future costs by being able to do more work with the same amount of personnel.


The Tools of the Trade

Traditional call centers rely on a plethora of technologies and management tools including routing systems, automatic call distribution, interactive voice response systems and customer relationship management software. A fully integrated contact center would include those technologies, plus the following Web capabilities.


Call centers see Web as tool of the trade

In today's Webcentric world, the phone is not always the preferred choice for citizens seeking answers from agencies, a fact that has certainly caught the attention of the Small Business Administration.


Eye on the future

Many agencies are wrestling with the issue of how to bring the Web into their call centers, but the Social Security Administration is being particularly public about it.


Measure the return

To measure return on investment effectively, organizations need to first go back to their top objectives, set a baseline for each goal and then determine a model to measure each.


Better to outsource?

If installing a desktop management system seems too daunting for your agency, what about farming out the task?

Digital Government

Maximizing payback

When it comes to keeping track of PCs and managing the software running on them, federal technology managers can gain several benefits by using a centralized desktop management system.


The Open Access Debate

Last year, officials from Portland, Ore., first began work on a transfer agreement with AT&T Cable Services -- the behemoth telecommunications firm that had recently acquired TCI, the city's local provider and the country's largest cable company.


Cable Vision

How Cities See the Future Coming Through Their Televisions


The Need for Speed

Broadband service is a category of telecommunications technology that provides multiple channels of data via a single communications medium, typically through some form of frequency or wave division multiplexing.

Digital Government

Web City

A handful of city governments also have begun to use the Web to interact with their residents.


Building the perfect portal

Although enterprise information portals (EIPs) promise to simplify employees' access to information, they are not simple to build.


Web City

A handful of city governments also have begun to use the Web to interact with their residents.


Web-time Travelers' Aid

Government has information and lots of it. In fact, collecting information is its business.


Drag a Wild Horse

The Bureau of Land Management has put online auctioning to work to fulfill one of its missions.