Author Archive

Jim Flyzik


Flyzik: Another argument for IPv6

Trapped indoors by wintry weather, Jim Flyzik imagines a day when the director of OPM could declare a "virtual office" workday.


Flyzik: Declare victory and end the debate

Now’s the time to create a new governance structure for governmentwide IT programs.

Digital Government

Flyzik: Give RFID a chance

Despite some groups’ concerns, the tracking technology is safe enough for government use


Flyzik: A question of credibility

CIOs must understand how IT can make their agencies successful

Digital Government

Flyzik: The power to be unwired

Don't let 700 MHz get away -- there are lives that depend on it!


Flip side: Top 10 benefits of Clinger-Cohen

We have a far better IT environment since its passage.


Flyzik: Try it! It might work

Share-in-savings contracts can help further the cause of performance-based contracting.

Digital Government

Flyzik: What is your EA phase?

Are enterprise architectures really making a difference?


Flyzik: Cheaper and better

Columnist Jim Flyzik has ideas on how agencies and companies can collaborate to save a billion or two.