Author Archive

Judith Umbach

Digital Government

How to Live With Standards (When You Can't Live Without Them)

Everybody loves standards. That is probably why there are so many of them. Aside from meeting the need for standards for the most minute bit of software, hardware, firmware and so on, human ingenuity has gone on to invent multiple standards for almost every last thing we do.

Digital Government

Oops. There Goes the Plan

Murphy's Law rules the world. What can go wrong will go wrong. It seems that as soon as you start implementing your hardwon plan, the world shiftsor, at least, your microcosm shifts. For instance, the mayor decides the civic administration should reorganize. A global vendor sells the line of busi

Digital Government

Linking IT to the Business Plan

Why is it still disputed that information technology is an integral part of business?

Digital Government

How to Hire an Effective Consultant

Everyone has a consultant story that would make a good 'Dilbert' cartoon.