Author Archive

Patience Wait


Pentagon pulls plug on social-networking sites

The Defense Department now blocks access to and other applications.


Army severely restricts military blogs

New regulations even set limits on the ability of families and contractors to contribute their writings.


Waxman: Save all e-mails from or to White House

E-mail messages regarding official government action "may have been destroyed by the [Republican National Committee] and not preserved by the White House."


GAO: Future Combat System remains a risk

Even if technology issues can be resolved to make the program a success, GAO cautions that projected costs continue to rise.


NGA releases 2007 priorities

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency wants to focus on intelligence community partnerships, advancing its mission and attracting employees.


Army awards DKO contract

Northrop Grumman won a task order worth as much as $267 million to develop the project, which will consolidate the different military-service portals into one entry point.


Marines expand IT training options

The Marine Corps wants to make training more network-centric and less product-oriented, said Brig. Gen. George Allen, CIO for the Corps.