Digital Government

Unemployed need not apply

There’s disturbing news for unemployed jobseekers out there (federal or otherwise). Apparently there is a trend among employers to consider for their job vacancies only people who are currently employed.

Digital Government

So be it or not so be it

At a press conference this week, after claiming that President Obama has added 200,000 new federal jobs since taking office, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said that if some of those jobs fall victim to budget cuts, “so be it.”

Digital Government

Solidarity? Or not so much?

If recently proposed federal budget cuts sparked some heated comments from federal employee groups over the last few days, then the subsequent announcement of even deeper cuts likely will inflame things further.

Digital Government

The sound of pencils sharpening ...

Well, today we got the first look at a partial list of the $74 billion in non-defense/non-security budget cuts that the new Republican majority aims to propose in the upcoming continuing resolution to fund the government through the end of the 2011 Fiscal Year.

Digital Government

And now—Principle No. 2!

OK, it’s that time again—time for the monthly Merit System Principle. Principle No. 2—detailed on the Merit Systems Protection Board Web site—covers fair and equitable treatment, including matters of discrimination.

Digital Government

And around it goes ...

The position of some members of Congress is that insourcing certain work to federal employees somehow “robs” jobs away from the private sector. The Obama administration’s overall policy, on the other hand, has been to insource jobs to the federal workforce when those positions perform “inherently governmental functions”—and to take a hard look at work that is contracted out.

Digital Government

Hey there, out on the plains …

The federal telework bill got a good nudge toward passage last year in the wake of a pair of big snow storms in the D.C. area.

Digital Government

Taking the long view

You may have heard already that OPM plans to hold an open season this spring for the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program.

Digital Government

And a FEW more

We’ve got to hand it Federal Employed Women. The group, a membership organization that works for the advancement of women in government, is doing an enviable job of pushing back against the tide of anti-fed sentiment.

Digital Government

State of turmoil

Well, hard times call for hard measures—and there seems to be an unending stream of them coming out of Washington.

Digital Government

Belt-tightening ahead?

The Republican Study Committee—a conservative House Republican caucus—has come up with a bill loaded with spending cuts the group says could trim $2.5 trillion from the federal budget over the next 10 years.

Digital Government

More than a FEW

However you want to characterize it, there is no doubt that Congressional budget hawks have zeroed in on federal jobs, pay and benefits.

Digital Government

F-word emanates from Congress

That's right: Furlough—in a House bill (H.R. 270) from Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colo.

Digital Government

It’s starting...

Well, some of the recommendations contained in the president’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform report are coming home to roost.

Digital Government

Those darned prohibited personnel practices

Quick—how many Merit System Principles are there? If you asked: What’s a Merit System Principle? then you probably don’t know that there are nine, and that they are the basic standards that govern the management of the executive branch workforce.

Digital Government

The three Rs

The powers that be are proposing rules that would require agencies to keep a closer (and more critical) eye on the incentives paid out for the “3Rs”—recruitment, relocation and retention.

Digital Government

Nominate a fed

OK, here’s your chance to do your part to polish up the ever-tarnishing image of public employees.

Digital Government

Out with the old, in with the new

Well, the Federal Career Intern Program is history. Unions who maintained that the program was being overused—and misused, they said—to bypass competitive hiring have gotten their way. At the same time, those unions say they plan to keep a close eye on new internship initiatives outlined by the administration.

Digital Government

It’s cold out there

The holidays are over. And a freeze is now upon the land. Soon the new gang will get into town. Washington, that is. And then the fun will start anew.

Digital Government

Take a parting shot in 2010…

As we finish up 2010—and our first year of this blog—we’ve gotten a good measure of what the members of federal workforce think about a pretty broad range of issues.