The Army team's work

The Army's Command Center Upgrades/Special Projects Office is helping with the following foreign projects.

The Army's Command Center Upgrades/Special Projects Office is helping with the following foreign projects.

    Czech Ministry of Defense initiatives:

      * Secure local-area network. Supports the wide-area network requirements for personnel information system between the Czech headquarters of the Army, Air Force, Territory Forces and the Logistics Center.

      * Personnel information system. Requirements assessment support to the Office of Defense Cooperation, Prague, to assist the Czech Ministry of Defense.

      * Marketing and recruiting system. Includes assistance in providing a means for selective service and personnel management of recruits.

    Israel Ministry of Defense initiatives:

      * CCU/SPO is offering its assistance for a potential logistics information system.

    Poland Ministry of Defense initiatives:

      * CCU/SPO is providing assistance in reintroducing requirements for an integrated information system.

    Romania Ministry of Defense initiatives:

      * Communications infrastructure enhancement project. CCU/SPO is providing assistance for the engineering, acquisition, installation, training and establishment of maintenance vehicles for upgrading of the communications infrastructure providing voice, video and data within the Ministry of Defense. CCU/SPO has overall project management responsibility, with as the supporting systems integration engineer.

      * Automated logistics information system (AILS) pilot project. CCU/SPO is providing assistance for the engineering, acquisition, installation, training and establishment of maintenance vehicles for an AILS pilot project. The system must allow for subsequent phase developments, it must achieve interoperability among Romania's national defense system and it must be interoperable with NATO members and partner nation military systems. CCU/SPO will implement a narrow, vertical slice of the Romanian logistics requirement and demonstrate functionality from the individual warehouses up through the battalions, brigades, logistics command and Ministry of Defense.

      * Romanian Defense Resource Management Institute (DRMI). Assistance has been requested to establish a regional DRMI in Brasov, Romania. This DRMI facility will directly interact with DRMI in Monterey, Calif., for educational courses and exchanges. The project will establish a communications infrastructure for voice, data and video, Internet and intranet communications and initial visual information system capabilities.

Source: CCU/SPO home page