Management deputy back on list

OMB director says that one of his top priorities is finding a deputy director of management

Office of Management and Budget Director Mitchell Daniels Jr. said Jan. 24 that one of his top priorities in the coming months is finding a deputy director for management — a post that has been vacant for more than a year.

Daniels said failing to fill that post has been "one of our shortcomings in the first year."

Part of the reason it did not get filled was that the requirements were so high — the people qualified for the post were not willing to take the kind of cut in salary that would be required, Daniels said.

But now, with the President's Management Agenda largely established, the post has evolved. "We need an implementer now," Daniels said.

The OMB deputy director for management position has been empty since Sally Katzen left the post at the close of the Clinton administration more than a year ago.

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