Federal 100 winner: L. Rodney Long

L. Rodney Long helped develop imaging and database tools for researchers looking for a cure to cervical cancer.

L. Rodney Long
Senior Electronics Engineer
National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine

As senior electronics engineer at the National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NLM), Long helped develop advanced imaging and analysis multimedia technology to support researchers looking for a cure for cervical cancer.

The imaging and database tools support researchers in analyzing biomedical images associated with the human papillomavirus and cervical neoplasia. The multimedia database tool Long developed now serves as the central database tool for the National Cancer Institute’s data, allowing researchers to search for both text and data.

"At the development stage, he instituted a rigorous iterative evaluation phase in collaboration with medical experts at NIH and elsewhere," said George Thoma, chief, communications engineering branch, NLM. "In short, Rodney has contributed to the entire life cycle of the tools, from concept to field use. And that is remarkable."