OMB calls on citizens for help on Shared IT Strategy

Industry and citizens are encouraged to forward their ideas and suggestions on the federal CIO’s framework to shared IT services.

Nearly two months after federal CIO Steven VanRoekel announced the draft shared IT strategy, the Office of Budget Management is now seeking suggestions for revisions on the road map.

Released Dec. 8, the shared first plan provides federal agencies with guidance in the identification, adoption and operation of shared services for commodity IT and mission IT functions. The strategy expands on the broader 25-point plan to reform federal IT, which calls on agencies to create a plan for shared IT services in an attempt to increase efficiencies and eliminate duplication.

OMB is now opening up the floor for discussion and is inviting input from the private sector and citizens through Feb. 17. The agency is using IdeaScale to gather comments, which requires users to register in order to sign in and comment.

April 2012 is the target date to release the full, final version of the strategy.