IT Dashboard hampered by budget stalemate

The White House created the IT Dashboard in 2009, but updates have now stopped as Congress and the administration fight over the federal budget.

The continuing budget standoff has rendered the federal IT Dashboard “largely unusable,” Politico reports, depriving agencies of a valuable and much-touted tool for monitoring and managing technology investments.

The online dashboard from the White House, first launched in 2009, hasn’t been updated since August 31, 2012 because of this fiscal head-butting between Congress and the Obama administration, according to Politico. The dashboard contains the president’s budget and interactive data on each agency’s spending, presented in charts and visualizations. The data is now out of date, however.

The administration gave the dashboard an upgrade earlier this year, enhancing its accessibility and adding more data and tools, according to an FCW report.

“More important,” wrote FCW reporter Camille Tuuti, “[i]t will help agencies identify and address duplication of their IT investments. Users will also be able to dissect the IT portfolios by agency, bureau, type of business supported, type of service provided, and budget account.”